
What is the astral plane
What is the astral plane

The biggest challenge is staying conscious as the body fades into sleep, and maintaining awareness on the threshold between sleep and wakefulness. Getting over these two feelings is an important step in having a first out of body experience. It can be hard to resist feeling excited, especially when entering the astral realm with expectations. In contrast, feeling too excited could also sabotage the experience or even the process of leaving your body. Nothing in the astral plane can hurt you unless you let it do so. Your body is connected with your astral body through a silver cord. In case you have some preconceived notions about out of body travel and fear is holding you back, know that Astral Projection is totally safe and there’s not a way to get trapped in the astral realm. These two emotions can be two big hindrances to make any progress at all. On the other hand, if you manage to maintain your awareness as your body falls asleep, your chances of having an out of body experience will increase, and they will remain high, as long as you can keep yourself from getting scared or too excited. If this already sounds exciting to you and you feel like it’s something that’s worth a try, achieving a conscious out of body experience will often require you to perform exit techniques in the right state of awareness.Įxit techniques are those techniques you use to leave your body and the right awareness is often when your body remains asleep but your mind still remains awake, known as the hypnagogic state, and this is often the tricky part. Astral Projection can also be used as a tool to learn more about yourself. One of the main differences between the astral plane and this physical plane is that in the astral plane you are no longer bound by the laws of physics, enabling you the freedom to explore most parts of the world itself through a different realm as the astral plane mirrors this world but in a higher dimension. Most of the times, you know if you have projected or not, because the experience in itself is fully conscious and clear. However, there can be a few things that seem out of place when entering that plane, making it easier to tell if a projection has been successful. This realm itself mirrors the world we live in as everything that exists here exists there. In this case, since your consciousness now lays in your astral body, you are in a different realm as previously mentioned, the astral realm. When shifting your consciousness to the astral plane, you can experience that same thing you experience when playing video games but as if it would be happening in a parallel reality with you being the protagonist. To put this into perspective, it’s like playing a video game and initially, getting to play as a character lacks any powers whatsoever but then making a shift to a character that has several powers and getting to play as that character. Then you are projected into what’s famously known as the Astral realm. This is also known as the astral body, which is the body that actually leaves, it’s the body in which your consciousness is transferred into when you have Astral Projections. When you get the sensation that you are leaving the body, your consciousness is transferred to the astral version of you. Other astral travelers have described the experience as less vivid than real life but from personal experience, the sensations felt as real, and many times even more than the sensations in the physical world. That is until you realize you’re a few meters from the physical version of you and then you can confirm that your astral body left. As a result, it’s often hard to tell if you are actually moving your physical body or your astral body. So how does it feel like to astral project? Depending on who you ask, this can vary but many can agree that it feels just like you are separating from yourself and through what’s known as an astral self or astral body. In fact, experienced out of body travelers describe the feeling to be even more real than what you experience during the waking life. Millions of people have consciously experienced out of body travel, but how does it actually feel to do it? Astral Projection has often been compared to the realism experienced in daily life. Having your first astral projection experience, also known as Astral Projection or Astral Travel, can be the most exciting thing you could experience in life.

What is the astral plane